At Working Partner, we take an expansive view of the role of evaluation. Of course, it’s a powerful tool that helps organizations gauge their impact. But a thoughtful evaluation program also helps to ensure that your organization is on target to meet its goals, make programs more efficient and effective, and even identify new strategic opportunities.
Our approach to evaluation is both participatory and empowering for our clients. We work as your partners, actively engaging your team and key stakeholders in development and implementation. Throughout the process, we work to build the capacity of our clients and their partners to monitor and evaluate their own performance against goals. This can include creating logic models; developing outcome metrics; training on data collection and reporting; analyzing large, complex data sets; and packaging findings in a compelling, easy-to-understand format. The result: clients better understand their outcomes and, importantly, also gain insight into how to create impact more efficiently.
United Way THRIVE Evaluation
Working Partner is the evaluator for the THRIVE Family Financial Stability Initiative, a collaborative of 22 workforce development and financial education agencies in Houston. To support this evaluation, Working Partner has developed and implemented standardized metrics; supported individual agencies’ capacity to collect and report data; reported an annual impact analysis; and conducted a Return on Investment analysis every other year. In 2018, on the 10th anniversary of the initiative, Working Partner created a special ten-year report and provided a public presentation of its findings.